
December 5, 2012

New Offerings at Etsy from Snugglebug Blessings

 Meet Noel the snow doll. She is a delightful little snowgirl that I just created.  You can find her at www.snugglebugblessings.etsy.com

 This pic shows you all of her although I feel I need a doll stand so you can see her dress better. Will go pick one of those up and re-shoot her for you.  She is holding a velvet stocking with a vintage style tree with antique pearls attached to it.
 I had some extra beeswax/soy mix and poured into this "Old Santa" mold and then added a pinch of greenery and berries. Rubbed some spice blend on it and walla, a lovely prim ornie. Beeswax lasts for a very long time, so you can hold on to this ornie for years. (www.snugglebugblessings.blogspot.com)
 Can you catch the Gingerbread man? This is another darling primitive ornie I created to hang on your tree, or just be a shelf sitter, if you will. I added glass glitter to give him a sugary look.

I wanted to finish up some of my primitive dolls for the season. I am heading into a Vintage kind of design style soon, but wanted to give you all a chance to get a couple of my prims before I do.
This is my Old Snowman with a snowflake. He was created to hang but can sit anywhere you like too! He's a big snow guy approx. 18" and delightfully prim. Found at my etsy shop too!
Well I hope you enjoyed some of my offerings. I have 2 other snowgirls I'm trying to finish.  Now if you would wave that magic wand and make time appear. LOL!
Thanks so much for stopping by,
if I don't see you, please have a
very, Merry Christmas. God bless.


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