Hi Ladies, got lots of ya's asking if I'm still alive. It is true, I am. But I am so very busy with cosmetology school that I hardly have time to write. It is going great. I am very much enjoying school, although I don't enjoy the new music that they play and is out there, Its very graphic verbiage and sailor mouth, cuss words. That is hard to hear. But I love learning all the new ways to do hair and have some very nice friends.
Well, about my husband. I have not received child support. DHHR (social services) has dragged and dragged and dragged their feet until I finally put my foot down and called child support services. I am not even listed to receive any support because DHHR never filed even though they repeatedly assured me that they are "working on it"! Ha, Ha, Ha. RIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHT!
I saw my attorney (legal aid) and she and I are asking for well I can't tell you until my husband is served, in case he reads this but will keep you posted. Lets say if I do get what I"m asking for he will be really mad!!!!!! Bummer I say. Your kids come first, not getting even with your wife. I asked him to provide coats, pants, hoodys, and winter items since he won't pay support and my little cash from DHHR is barely keeping my car tanked up. None of that has happened. Wonder how the judge will feel about that, hum?!? So with fingers crossed and you gals a prayin' hopefully things will turn around for my kids and me, oh, lets not forget my Rottie and Triscuit (he's found on the left).
Has it been hard living here with 11 people, you bet, very hard! Some days I want to go home even with my husband just to have my kitchen again, and QUIET. There is no such thing here at this house, only in the wee hours of the morning when I get up for school. But God is good and he always comes through when we need him and he has. Thank you Lord.
I want to thank all of you for your prayers, support, kind words and always being an encouragement to me in the hardest time of my life and my kids. We are grateful to have you. Have a wonderful, creative day and may God bless you all.